Dr. Daniel Brunner
Research Associate
Dr. Daniel Brunner
Heinrich-Heine-UniversitätUniversitätsstr. 1
Building: 24.31
Floor/Room: 01.23
+49 211 81-10243
Office Hours
Office Hours
By arrangement
Current courses
- BW09: Applied Data Science
- Course 3 (script)
- Course 4
- BW33: Financial and insurance economics
Project and seminar papers
Software assistance
- R-Ambulance: Thursday, 1pm - 2:30pm, until further notice via Webex (please note the instructions)
- Python Workshop (look here for more information)
Current and completed projects
- Using Python for Introductory Econometrics, with F. Heiss (upfie.net)
- "Reliable Estimation of Random Coefficient Logit Demand Models" with F. Heiss, A. Romahn, C. Weiser (Discussion Paper)
- R Paket: BLPestimatoR (Vignette)