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Unsere Forschung

An dem Lehrstuhl für Statistics and Econometrics wird u.a. zu folgenden Themen geforscht:

  • Rechenintensive Verfahren (u.a. Simulation und numerische Integration)
  • Methoden des Maschinellen Lernens in der Ökonometrie (u.a. Variational Inference )
  • Gesundheitsökonomik (u.a. Verhalten auf Märkten für Krankenversicherungen)
  • Empirische Industrieökonomik (u.a. Nachfrageschätzung)
  • Lehr- und Lernforschung (u.a. Inverted Classroom)

Heiss, Florian, Steven F. Venti, and David A. Wise (2014). “The Persistence and Heterogeneity of Health Among Older Americans”. NBER WP No. 20306. 

Stowasser, Till, Florian Heiss, Daniel McFadden, and Joachim Winter (2014). “Understanding the SES Gradient in Health among the Elderly: The Role of Childhood Circumstances”. In: Discoveries in the Economics of Aging. Ed. by David A. Wise. University of Chicago Press. Chap. 5, pp. 187–221.

Heiss, Florian, Adam Leive, Daniel McFadden, and Joachim Winter (2013). “Plan Selection in Medicare Part D: Evidence from Administrative Data”. In: Journal of Health Economics 32.6, pp. 1325–44.

Kesternich, Iris, Florian Heiss, Daniel McFadden, and Joachim Winter (2013). “Suit the action to the word, the word to the action: Hypothetical choices and real decisions in Medicare Part D”. In: Journal of Health Economics 32.6, pp. 1313–1324.

Vetter, Stefan, Florian Heiss, Daniel McFadden, and Joachim Winter (2013). “Risk attitudes and Medicare Part D enrollment decisions”. In: Economics Letters 119, pp. 128–132.

Stowasser, Till, Florian Heiss, Daniel McFadden, and Joachim Winter (2012). “’Healthy, Wealthy and Wise?’ Revisited: An Analysis of the Causal Pathways from Socioeconomic Status to Health”. In: Investigations in the Economics of Aging. Ed. by David A. Wise. University of Chicago Press. Chap. 8, pp. 267–320.

Heiss, Florian (2011). “Dynamics of Self Rated Health and Selective Mortality”. In: Empirical Economics 40.1, pp. 119–140.

Heiss, Florian, Daniel McFadden, and Joachim Winter (2011). “The Demand for Medicare Part D Prescription Drug coverage: Evidence from Four Waves of the Retirement Perspectives Survey”. In: Explorations in the Economics of Aging. Ed. by David A. Wise. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, pp. 159–182.

Heiss, Florian (2010). “The Panel Probit Model: Adaptive Integration on Sparse Grids”. In: Advances in Econometrics, Vol. 26: Maximum Simulated Likelihood Methods and Applications. Ed. by William Greene and R. Carter Hill. Emerald, pp. 41–64.

Heiss, Florian, Daniel McFadden, and Joachim Winter (2009a). “Mind the Gap! Consumer Perceptions and Choices of Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plans”. In: Research Findings in the Economics of Aging. Ed. by David A. Wise. University of Chicago Press, pp. 413–481.— (2009b). “Regulation of Private Health Insurance Markets: Lessons from Enrollment, Plan Type Choice, and Adverse Selection in Medicare Part D”. NBER WP No. 15392.

Heiss, Florian (2008). “Sequential Numerical Integration in Nonlinear State Space Models for Microeconometric Panel Data”. In: Journal of Applied Econometrics 23.3, pp. 373–389.

Heiss, Florian and Viktor Winschel (2008). “Likelihood Approximation by Numerical Integration on Sparse Grids”. In: Journal of Econometrics 144.1, pp. 62–80.

McFadden, Daniel, Joachim Winter, and Florian Heiss (2008). “Consumer-Directed Health Care: Can Consumers Look After Themselves?” In: Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics 144.3, pp. 285–307.

Heiss, Florian, Axel Börsch-Supan, Michael Hurd, and David Wise (2007). “Pathways to Disability: Predicting Health Trajectories”. In: Health at Older Ages: The Causes and Consequences of Declining Disability Among the Elderly. Ed. by David Cutler and David Wise. University of Chicago Press.

Heiss, Florian, Daniel McFadden, and Joachim Winter (2006). “Who Failed To Enroll In Medicare Part D, And Why? Early Results”. In: Health Affairs 25, w344–w354.

McFadden, Daniel, Florian Heiss, Byung-hill Jun, and Joachim Winter (2006). “On testing for independence in weighted contingency tables”. In: Medium for Econometric Applications 14.2, pp. 11–19.

Winter, Joachim, Rowilma Balza, Frank Caro, Florian Heiss, Byung-hill Jun, Rosa Matzkin, and Daniel McFadden (2006). “Medicare prescription drug coverage: Consumer information and preferences”. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103.20, pp. 7929–7934.

Heiss, Florian, Michael Hurd, and Axel Börsch-Supan (2005). “Healthy, Wealthy, and Knowing Where to Live: Trajectories of Health, Wealth and Living Arrangements Among the Oldest Old”. In: Analyses in the Economics of Aging. Ed. by David Wise. University of Chicago Press, pp. 241–275.

Börsch-Supan, Axel, Florian Heiss, and Joachim Winter (2004). Akzeptanzprobleme bei Rentenreformen. Köln: Deutsches Institut für Altersvorsorge.

Heiss, Florian and Jens Köke (2004). “Dynamics in Ownership and Firm Survival”. In: European Financial Management 10.1, pp. 167–195.

Börsch-Supan, Axel, Florian Heiss, Alexander Ludwig, and Joachim Winter (2003). “Pension reform, capital markets, and the rate of return”. In: German Economic Review 4.2, pp. 151–181.

Heiss, Florian (2002). “Structural Choice Analysis with Nested Logit Models”. In: Stata Journal 2.3, pp. 227–252.

Heiss, Florian, Axel Börsch-Supan, and Miki Seko (2001). “Housing Demand in Germany and Japan”. In: Journal of Housing Economics 10.3, pp. 229–252.